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Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535297


Introducción: la pandemia COVID-19 ha afectado la práctica odontológica por el alto riesgo de contagio durante su ejercicio. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar el nivel de ansiedad, sentimientos manifestados y medidas adoptadas en la atención clínica por el odontólogo durante la pandemia COVID-19 en Lima Metropolitana-Perú. Métodos: estudio descriptivo, prospectivo y transversal realizado en 386 odontólogos de Lima Metropolitana-Perú en los primeros meses del 2021. El nivel de ansiedad se midió a través del: Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Se confeccionó y validó un cuestionario para medir los sentimientos y medidas adoptadas, que fue enviado a través de distintas redes sociales. Resultados: los niveles de ansiedad leve y moderada se presentaron en el 42,5% y 21,2% respectivamente, presentándose mayores niveles de severidad en las mujeres (p<0,001). A mayor edad y número de años de experiencia profesional el nivel de ansiedad fue menor (Rho=-0,132; p=0,009) y (Rho=-0,129, p=0,011). Los sentimientos experimentados aumentaron a medida que el nivel de ansiedad fue mayor p<0,001. El 97,7% manifestó haber modificado el uso de equipos de protección personal como el uso de mascarillas respiratorias tipo N95 y el protector facial, y el 48,7% reveló haber tenido alguna dificultad para obtenerlo. La medida más utilizada en la atención clínica fue el lavado de manos antes y después de cada atención (92,7%) y el uso de luz ultravioleta (42,5%) fue la menos utilizada. Conclusiones: los odontólogos han cambiado el protocolo de atención, manifestando diferentes niveles de ansiedad acompañados de sentimientos negativos durante la pandemia COVID-19.

Introduction: the COVID-19 pandemic has affected dental practice, due to the high risk of contagion during its practice. The objective of the study was to evaluate the level of anxiety; emotions and measures taken by dentists during COVID-19 pandemic in Lima Metropolitana-Peru. Methods: the study was descriptive, prospective, and cross-sectional carried out in 386 dentists practicing in Lima Metropolitan-Peru during the first months of 2021. Level of anxiety was assessed by "Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item" (GAD-7) scale. A questionnaire was developed and validated to evaluate emotions and measures taken and was sent through different social networks. Results: mild and moderate anxiety were present in 42.5% and 21.2% respectively, with higher levels of severity in women (p<0.001). The higher the age and number of years of professional experience, the level of anxiety was lower (Rho=-0.132; p=0.009) and (Rho=-0.129, p=0.011). The emotions increased as the level of anxiety was higher p<0.001. 97.7% stated that they had modified the use of personal protective equipment such as the use of N95-type respiratory masks and face shields, and 48.7% revealed that they had some difficulty in obtaining it. The most used measure in clinical practice was hand washing before and after treatment (92.7%), while the use of ultraviolet light (42.5%) was the least used. Conclusions: dentists have changed care protocol, manifesting different levels of anxiety accompanied by negative emotions during COVID-19 pandemic.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220756


This study introduces a technique for leveraging sentiment analysis to detect potential suicide risk among social media users. Our approach utilizes machine learning to scrutinize the textual content of social media posts and identify signicant markers of suicidal behavior. Our methodology comprises data collection, data preprocessing, data labeling, machine learning model training, and model testing. The effectiveness of our approach is assessed using precision, recall, and F1 score metrics. The outcome of our evaluation demonstrates that our method is adept at detecting individuals who may be at risk of suicide on social media, yielding an impressive F1 score of 0.85.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536244


El análisis de sentimientos o minería de opiniones es una rama de la computación que permite analizar opiniones, sentimientos y emociones en ciertas áreas de interés social como productos, servicios, organizaciones, compañías, eventos y temas de interés actual. En tal sentido se propuso identificar los sentimientos y tópicos presentes en los tweets que hicieron mención a las vacunas cubanas Soberana 02 y Abdala en la red social Twitter. Se optó por los lenguajes de programación Python y R con sus librerías específicas para la ciencia de datos. La primera parte del estudio, que abarcó desde el web scraping hasta la cuantificación de las palabras más usadas, se realizó con Python y las siguientes librerías: tweepy, pandas, re, nltk y matplotlib. Mientras que la segunda, que fue la del análisis de sentimientos y detección de tópicos, se implementó con R y se utilizó: tokenizers, tm, syuzhet, topic modeling, tidyverse, barplot y wordcloud. Se obtuvo que entre los términos con que más se dialoga en Twitter están dosis, vacunas, eficacia, cubanos, candidatos, millones, país, personas, recibido y población. En los tweets las emociones predominantes fueron el miedo y, ligeramente por encima, la confianza; en la polaridad predominó la positiva, como expresión del contexto vivido en el cual se desarrolló la campaña de vacunación. A partir de los tópicos identificados y los términos que se relacionaron con las emociones predominantes, así como por la polaridad, se aprecia consenso en torno a las vacunas Soberana 02 y Abdala.

Sentiment analysis or opinion mining is a branch of computing that allows analyzing opinions, feelings and emotions in certain areas of social interest such as products, services, organizations, companies, events and topics of current interest. In this sense, the objective of this paper was to identify the feelings and topics present in the tweets mentioning the Cuban vaccines Soberana 02 and Abdala on Twitter social network. The programming languages Python and R with their specific libraries for data science were chosen. The first part of the study, which ranged from web scraping to the quantification of the most used words, was carried out with Python and the libraries tweepy, pandas, re, nltk and matplotlib. While the second, which was the sentiment analysis and topic detection, was implemented with R and used tokenizers, tm, syuzhet, topic modeling, tidyverse, barplot, and wordcloud. It was obtained that among the terms with which there is more dialogue on Twitter are doses, vaccines, efficacy, Cubans, candidates, millions, country, people, received and population. In the tweets, the predominant emotions were fear and confidence, slightly above it; in the polarity, the positive one predominated, as an expression of the lived context in which the vaccination campaign was developed. A consensus can be perceived around the vaccines Soberana 02 and Abdala, from the identified topics and the terms that were related to the predominant emotions, as well as the polarity.

Rev. baiana enferm ; 37: e52976, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1529688


Objetivo: conhecer os sentimentos vivenciados por pessoas idosas diante do distanciamento social na pandemia da Covid-19. Método: estudo qualitativo que adotou como referencial a Teoria das Representações Sociais pelo método do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Participaram do estudo 29 pessoas idosas e a seleção foi do tipo intencional ou teórico, utilizando a técnica de snowball (bola de neve). Os dados foram coletados entre outubro e dezembro de 2020, por meio de um questionário de caracterização sociodemográfica, familiar e de saúde e uma questão aberta norteadora do estudo. Os depoimentos foram gravados, transcritos e analisados. Resultados: as pessoas idosas relataram vivenciar os sentimentos de preocupação, medo, naturalidade, conforto, com maior predomínio dos sentimentos de desconforto, tristeza, solidão e segurança. Considerações finais: sentimentos positivos e negativos foram vivenciados pelas pessoas idosas durante o período de distanciamento social pela pandemia da Covid-19.

Objetivo: conocer los sentimientos vividos por personas ancianas ante el distanciamiento social en la pandemia de Covid-19. Método: estudio cualitativo que adoptó como referencial la Teoría de las Representaciones Sociales por el método del Discurso del Sujeto Colectivo. Participaron del estudio 29 personas mayores y la selección fue del tipo intencional o teórico, utilizando la técnica de snowball (bola de nieve). Los datos fueron recogidos entre octubre y diciembre de 2020, por medio de un cuestionario de caracterización sociodemográfica, familiar y de salud y una cuestión abierta orientadora del estudio. Las declaraciones fueron grabadas, transcritas y analizadas. Resultados: las personas mayores relataron vivenciar los sentimientos de preocupación, miedo, naturalidad, confort, con mayor predominio de los sentimientos de incomodidad, tristeza, soledad y seguridad. Consideraciones finales: sentimientos positivos y negativos fueron vividos por las personas mayores durante el período de distanciamiento social por la pandemia de Covid-19.

Objective: to know the feelings experienced by elderly people in the face of social distancing in the Covid-19 pandemic. Method: qualitative study that adopted as reference the Theory of Social Representations by the method of Collective Subject Discourse. 29 elderly people participated in the study and the selection was intentional or theoretical, using the snowball technique. Data were collected between October and December 2020, through a questionnaire of sociodemographic, family and health characterization and an open question guiding the study. The statements were recorded, transcribed and analyzed. Results: the elderly reported experiencing feelings of worry, fear, naturalness, comfort, with a greater predominance of feelings of discomfort, sadness, loneliness and security. Final considerations: positive and negative feelings were experienced by the elderly during the period of social distancing due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Humans , Male , Female , Health of the Elderly , Physical Distancing , COVID-19/prevention & control , Sentiment Analysis , Qualitative Research
Rev. bras. enferm ; 76(6): e20230059, 2023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1529796


ABSTRACT Objective: to understand feelings about birth among a group of high-risk pregnant women. Method: a descriptive and qualitative study, using Alfred Schütz's social phenomenology as a philosophical theoretical framework. The study included 25 pregnant women undergoing high-risk prenatal care. The interview had the following guiding questions: tell me about your feelings regarding the moment of birth/childbirth; How do you deal with the high-risk diagnosis? What are your expectations for birth/childbirth? Results: five categories emerged: Fear of obstetric care; Fear of complications with the baby; Fear of cesarean section; Resilience in the face of high-risk pregnancy; and Expectations for birth. Considerations: high-risk pregnant women are afraid of the care they will receive, the risks and concern about the baby's vitality at birth. The importance of care is emphasized, with a welcoming environment, bonding and communication between health team and pregnant woman.

RESUMEN Objetivo: comprender los sentimientos sobre el parto de un grupo de gestantes de alto riesgo. Método: estudio descriptivo y cualitativo, utilizando como marco teórico filosófico la fenomenología social de Alfred Schütz. El estudio incluyó a 25 mujeres embarazadas que se sometían a atención prenatal de alto riesgo. La entrevista tuvo las siguientes preguntas orientadoras: cuénteme sobre sus sentimientos con respecto al momento del nacimiento/parto; ¿Cómo lidia con el diagnóstico de alto riesgo? ¿Cuáles son sus expectativas para el nacimiento/parto? Resultados: surgieron cinco categorías: Miedo a la atención obstétrica; Miedo a las complicaciones con el bebé; Miedo a la cesárea; Resiliencia ante el embarazo de alto riesgo; y Expectativas de nacimiento. Consideraciones: las gestantes de alto riesgo tienen miedo de la asistencia que recibirán, de los riesgos y aprensión en cuanto a la vitalidad del bebé al nacer. Se destaca la importancia de la asistencia con ambiente acogedor, vínculo y comunicación entre el equipo de salud y la gestante.

RESUMO Objetivo: compreender os sentimentos a respeito do nascimento por um grupo de gestantes de alto risco. Método: estudo descritivo e qualitativo, tendo a fenomenologia social de Alfred Schütz como referencial teórico filosófico. Participaram do estudo 25 gestantes em acompanhamento de pré-natal de alto risco. A entrevista contou com as seguintes questões norteadoras: fale-me sobre seus sentimentos em relação ao momento do nascimento/parto; Como você lida com o diagnóstico de alto risco? Quais suas expectativas para o nascimento/parto? Resultados: emergiram cinco categorias: Medo da assistência obstétrica; Medo das complicações com o bebê; Medo da cesariana; A resiliência diante da gestação de alto risco; e Expectativas para o nascimento. Considerações: as gestantes de alto risco sentem medo da assistência que receberão, dos riscos e apreensividade quanto à vitalidade do bebê no nascimento. Ressalta-se a importância de assistência com ambiente acolhedor, efetivação de vínculo e comunicação entre equipe de saúde e gestante.

Mundo saúde (Impr.) ; 47: e13572022, 2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1418459


A morte faz parte do quotidiano da vida dos enfermeiros, principalmente quando lidam com pacientes em situação crítica. A forma como percecionam a morte pode ser relevante para uma prestação de cuidados humanizados. Objetivo: identificar quais os sentimentos de estudantes de um programa de mestrado perante a morte e a sua influência na prestação de cuidados a pacientes críticos. Método: Trata-se de uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa, aprovada pela comissão de ética da Universidade (Doc11/CE/2018 de 09/04/2018). Realizaram-se entrevistas a 11 estudantes, processadas por análise de conteúdo. Resultados: os principais sentimentos associados à morte dos pacientes foram: impotência, frustração/revolta, tristeza/angústia, aceitação, alívio e distanciamento. Conclusão: os estudantes criam barreiras emocionais para gerir o sofrimento dos pacientes com que lidam, sendo importante que estas não comprometam a qualidade dos cuidados. Os sentimentos dos estudantes perante a morte influenciam positivamente o cuidado ao paciente crítico, pois as vivências e experiência de vida permitem-lhes prestá-los com mais serenidade

Death is part of nurses' daily lives, especially when they deal with patients in critical situations. The way they perceive death may be relevant for providing humanized care. Objective: to identify the feelings of students of a master's program towards death and its influence on care provided to critical patients. Method: This is a study with a qualitative approach, approved by the ethics committee of the University (Doc11/CE/2018 of 09/04/2018). Interviews were carried out with 11 students, processed by content analysis. Results: the main feelings associated with the death of patients were: impotence, frustration/revolt, sadness/anguish, acceptance, relief, and distancing. Conclusion: students create emotional barriers to manage the suffering of the patients they deal with, and it is important that these do not compromise the quality of care. Students' feelings towards death positively influence critical patient care, as their experiences and life experience allow them to provide care more calmly.

Shanghai Journal of Preventive Medicine ; (12): 1111-1117, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003819


ObjectiveTo analyze the online public Q&A texts on HPV vaccine, focus on the important issues related to HPV vaccination and cervical cancer prevention in China, and propose strategies and suggestions. MethodsThe latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) topic model was employed to extract key topics of 15 565 Q&A texts related to HPV vaccines from the social Q&A platform "Zhihu". The Baidu AI sentiment analysis tool was used to analyze the emotional tendencies of the texts corresponding to each topic, and the topics were classified based on the strategic coordinate method. ResultsOnline users focused on eight topics about HPV vaccine information. Among them, vaccination knowledge, HPV vaccination hesitation, and HPV vaccine development and marketing belonged to the low positivity-high negativity emotional topics, HPV infection and high-risk factors belonged to the low positivity-low negativity emotional topics, and HPV vaccine appointment channels, comparison between domestic and imported vaccines, HPV vaccines and cervical cancer prevention, and HPV vaccine types and selection were grouped under high positivity-low negativity emotional topics. ConclusionPublic concerns regarding HPV vaccines can be classified into three major dimensions: health knowledge, health beliefs, and health behaviors. Overall, the public's views and attitudes towards vaccine-related issues are not optimistic. Strengthening science publicity and education, enhancing vaccine supervision, and encouraging enterprises’ innovative research and development capability are effective strategies to improve public awareness of cervical cancer prevention and accelerate the full HPV vaccination coverage.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 774-779, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-969570


OBJECTIVE To mine the focus and emotional attitude of the public on rare diseases, and to provide decision- making reference for relevant departments to formulate and implement relevant policies, systems and strategies for medical security of rare diseases. METHODS Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) topic model and sentiment analysis method were used to analyze the comment text of short videos related to the “nosinasine” medical insurance admission event on the Bilibili video website, mine the theme and sentiment tendency of the text, and put forward relevant strategy suggestions. RESULTS A total of 8 videos with tens of thousands of playback and 7 109 text data were obtained. According to the LDA analysis, online public paid attention to 9 topics related to rare diseases (the price of rare disease drugs, the inclusion of rare disease drugs in medical insurance, the status quo of research and development of rare disease drugs, the scope of medical insurance and the medical security system, the plight of rare disease patients, the prevention and screening of rare diseases, the value of rare disease drugs in medical insurance, the Chinese and western medical methods of rare diseases, and the supply and demand status of rare disease drugs), which could be summarized into 4 categories according to the objects of concern (rare disease drugs, rare disease medical insurance, rare disease medical and health services and rare disease patient groups). On the whole, the emotional tendency of the Internet public towards each topic showed a low positive and high negative tendency. CONCLUSIONS The public paid more attention to the price, research and development, supply and demand of rare disease drugs, and was deeply worried about the current medical status of rare diseases in China. To strengthen and improve the medical security for patients with rare diseases, such as actively carrying out public health services for rare diseases, strengthening cooperation in the diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases, and researching rare disease drugs, etc. Chinese medical and health departments can make concerted efforts in medical and health services, drug supply security, medical security and other social security.

Rev. latinoam. psicol ; 54: 1-11, ene.-dic. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409654


Resumen Introducción: En este estudio se evalúa la emocionalidad asociada a la vacunación contra el COVID-19 a partir de la técnica de análisis de sentimientos de los tweets en países iberoamericanos hispanohablantes. Método: En enero de 2021 se realizó un estudio mixto observacional transversal de 41023 tweets procedentes de nueve países iberoamericanos hispanohablantes (Chile, El Salvador, Venezuela, Ecuador, Argentina, México, Panamá, Perú y España) con una fase cuantitativa y técnicas de análisis de sentimientos mediante algoritmos de inteligencia artificial y una fase cualitativa donde se realizó un análisis del discurso de los tweets cuya emocionalidad era en extremo positiva y negativa. Resultados: A partir del análisis de sentimiento de los tweets, se observó que los países presentan una emocionalidad negativa asociada a la vacunación contra el COVID-19, que se podría atribuir a la desconfianza hacia las autoridades y a la eficacia o seguridad de las vacunas, según el análisis del discurso en los tweets de emocionalidad en extremo negativa. Conclusiones: Las técnicas de análisis de sentimientos en combinación con el análisis del discurso de la emocionalidad extrema posibilitaron la monitorización de las opiniones negativas y sus posibles factores asociados en la vacunación contra el COVID-19 en los países iberoamericanos estudiados.

Abstract Introduction: This study evaluates the emotionality associated with vaccination against COVID-19 using the sentiment analysis technique of tweets in Spanish-speaking Ibero-American countries. Method: In January 2021 a mixed cross-sectional observational study of 41023 tweets from nine Spanish-speaking Ibero-American countries (Chile, El Salvador, Venezuela, Ecuador, Argentina, Mexico, Panama, Peru and Spain) was carried out with a quantitative phase and analysis techniques of feelings based on artificial intelligence algorithms and a qualitative phase where an analysis of the discourse of the tweets whose emotionality was extremely positive and negative was carried out. Results: From the sentiment analysis of the tweets, it was observed that the countries present a negative emotionality associated with the vaccination against COVID-19, which could be attributed to mistrust towards the authorities and the efficacy or safety of the vaccines, according to the analysis of the discourse in the extremely negative emotionality tweets. Conclusions: Sentiment analysis techniques in combination with extreme emotionality discourse analysis made it possible to monitor negative opinions and their possible associated factors in vaccination against COVID-19 in the Ibero-American countries studied.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2022 May; 70(5): 1773-1779
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224319


Purpose: COVID?19?associated mucormycosis (CAM) was a serious public health problem during the second wave of COVID?19 in India. We planned to analyze public perceptions by sentiment analysis of Twitter data regarding CAM. Methods: In this observational study, the application programming interface (API) provided by the Twitter platform was used for extracting real?time conversations by using keywords related to mucormycosis (colloquially known as “black fungus”), from May 3 to August 29, 2021. Lexicon?based sentiment analysis of the tweets was done using the Vader sentiment analysis tool. To identify the overall sentiment of a user on any given topic, an algorithm to label a user “k” based on their sentiments was used. Results: A total of 4,01,037 tweets were collected between May 3 and August 29, 2021, and the peak frequency of 1,60,000 tweets was observed from May 17 to May 23, 2021. Positive sentiment tweets constituted a larger share as compared to negative sentiment tweets, with weekly variations. A temporal analysis of the demand for utilities showed that the demand was high in the initial period but decreased with time, which was associated with the availability of resources. Conclusion: Sentiment analysis using Twitter data revealed that social media platforms are gaining popularity to express one’s emotions during the ongoing COVID?19 pandemic. In our study, time?based assessment of tweets showed a reduction over time in the frequency of negative sentiment tweets. The polarization in the retweet network of users, based on sentiment polarity, showed that the users were well connected, highlighting the fact that such issues bond our society rather than segregating it.

Psicol. USP ; 33: e210092, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1406392


Resumo Este ensaio traz o método do racional desregramento de todos os sentidos, do poeta Arthur Rimbaud, como ponto de partida para uma reflexão sobre a relação entre razão e afeto e para um possível diálogo com a noção de sentimento de racionalidade, do psicólogo e filósofo William James, sob a perspectiva teórico-metodológica do construtivismo semiótico-cultural em psicologia. Aborda-se o experimento de inalação do óxido nitroso de James como uma experiência de desregramento dos sentidos que proporcionou a ele uma compreensão sobre a questão da unidade e da variedade, ajudando a enriquecer sua cosmovisão empirista e pluralista, em oposição ao racionalismo monista de Hegel.

Abstract This essay uses Rimbaud's rational derangement of all the senses as a starting point for its reflection on the relationship between reason and affection, and for possible dialogues with psychologist and philosopher William James' sentiment of rationality, from the perspective of semiotic-cultural constructivism in psychology. James' experiment of nitrous oxide inhalation is seen as an experience of derangement of the senses that gave him insight on the question of unity and variety, thus enriching his empiricist and pluralist worldview opposed to Hegel' s monistic rationalism.

Résumé Cet essai utilise le raisonné dérèglement de tous les sens de Arthur Rimbaud comme point de départ de sa réflexion sur la relation entre raison et l'affection, et des dialogues possibles avec le sentiment de rationalité du psychologue et philosophe William James, dans la perspective du constructivisme sémiotique-culturel en psychologie. L'expérience d'inhalation d'oxide nitreux de James est considérée comme une expérience du dérèglement des sens qui lui a donné un aperçu de la question de l'unité et de la variété, enrichissant ainsi sa vision empiriste et pluraliste du monde, opposée au rationalisme moniste de Hegel.

Resumen Este ensayo toma el método del racional desarreglo de todos los sentidos del poeta Arthur Rimbaud como punto de partida para una reflexión sobre la relación entre la razón y el afecto, y un posible diálogo con la noción del sentimiento de la racionalidad del psicólogo y filósofo William James, bajo la perspectiva teórico-metodológica del constructivismo semiótico-cultural en psicología. El experimento de la inhalación de óxido nitroso de James se aborda como una experiencia de desarreglo de los sentidos que le proporcionó una comprensión de la unidad y la variedad, contribuyendo a enriquecer su cosmovisión empirista y pluralista en oposición al racionalismo monista de Hegel.

Psychology , Sensation , Attitude , Philosophy
J. psicanal ; 53(99): 137-160, jul.-dez. 2020. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1287063


Com base no poema de Manoel de Barros "A reta é uma curva que não sonha", a autora descreve a capacidade de estar só, como uma série de curvas em espiral, e o sentimento de solidão, como uma reta sem curvas. Apoia-se em Winnicott, Bion e Klein. Ilustra com o caso de uma família haitiana atendida no setting da clínica transcultural e com o de um menino de 1 ano e 11 meses com indicadores de risco de desenvolvimento atendido no setting clássico de psicanálise com crianças. Assim, nas duas situações clínicas, apresenta como alternativa aos caminhos retilíneos, os caminhos sinuosos, pelos quais a construção de capacidade de estar só tem sido possível, sem que os elementos de angústia mais submersos e profundos sejam caçados ostensivamente, mas possam tomar corpo na sessão e, progressivamente, vir à tona, para serem transformados. Finaliza com uma história infantil que retrata o universo emocional da criança quando falha a relação de intimidade mãe-bebê. Nesta história a mãe reconhece suas falhas e repara os vínculos esgarçados, uma mamãe que tece as emoções promovendo um encontro emocional.

From "The line is a dream without curve", a Manoel de Barros' poem, the author describes the capacity to be alone as a series of spiral curves, and the feeling of loneliness as a straight line without curves. It relies on Winnicott, Bion and Klein. It illustrates with the attendance of a Haitian family attended in the setting of the transcultural clinic and the case of a boy (1 year and 11 months) with indicators of developmental risk attended in the psychoanalysis setting with children. Thus, in both clinical situations, it presents, as an alternative to the rectilinear paths, the winding paths, through which the building of being capacity has only been possible, without the most submerged and deep distress elements being hunted ostensibly, but can take shape and, progressively, have occasion to be transformed. It ends with a children's story that portrays the child's emotional universe when the mother-baby relationship fails. In this story the mother recognizes her flaws and repairs the broken bonds, a mother who weaves her emotions promoting an emotional encounter.

Del poema "La línea es una curva sin sueños", de Manoel de Barros, el autor describe la capacidad de estar solo como una serie de curvas en espiral, y el sentimento de soledad como una línea recta sin curvas. Se basa en Winnicott, Bion, Klein y Quinodoz. Ilustra con el cuidado de una familia haitiana atendida en el setting de la clínica transcultural y con el caso de un niño de 1 año y 11 meses con indicadores de riesgo de desarrollo atendido en el setting de psicoanálisis con niños. Por lo tanto, en ambas situaciones clínicas, presenta, como una alternativa a los caminos rectilíneos, los caminos sinuosos, a través de los cuales la construcción de la capacidad solo ha sido posible, sin que los elementos de busca más profundos y sumergidos sean cazados aparentemente, pero pueden tomar forma y, progressivamente, se destacan y tienen ocasión de transformarse. Termina con una historia infantil que retrata el universo emocional del niño cuando la relación madre-bebé falla. En esta historia, la madre reconoce sus defectos y repara los lazos rotos, una madre que teje sus emociones promoviendo un encuentro emocional.

À partir du poème de Manoel de Barros « La droite est une courbe qui ne rêve pas ¼, l'auteur décrit la capacité d'être seul, comme une série de courbes en spirale, et le sentiment de solitude, comme une droite sans courbes. Il s'appuie sur Winnicott, Bion et Klein. Il illustre avec la prise en charge d'une famille haïtienne servie dans le cadre de la clinique interculturelle et le cas d'un garçon de 1 an et 11 mois avec des indicateurs de risque de développement assisté dans le cadre de la psychanalyse avec enfants. Ainsi, dans les deux situations cliniques, il se présente comme une alternative aux chemins rectilignes, les chemins sinueux, à travers lesquels la construction de la capacité à être n'a été que possible, sans que les éléments d'angoisse les plus submergés et profonds soient ostensiblement chassés, mais ils peuvent prendre forme dans le session et progressivement surface, à transformer. Il se termine par une histoire pour enfants qui dépeint l'univers émotionnel de l'enfant lorsque la relation mère-bébé échoue. Dans cette histoire, la mère reconnaît ses défauts et répare les liens brisés, une mère qui tisse les émotions favorisant une rencontre émotionnelle.

Psychoanalysis , Emotions , Loneliness , Autistic Disorder , Growth and Development
Rev. Subj. (Impr.) ; 19(1): 1-13, jan.-abr. 2019. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1041619


Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar a relação entre o sentimento de comunidade e a pobreza rural em três municípios, sendo um do Nordeste, um do Norte e outro do Sul do Brasil. A pesquisa, de caráter quantitativo, contou com a participação de 1.113 sujeitos, que responderam a questionários compostos por um instrumento de Pobreza Multidimensional e pelo Índice de Sentimento de Comunidade. Foram realizadas análises estatísticas: Teste T, Anova, Teste de Correlação de Pearson e Estatísticas Descritivas. O sentimento de comunidade esteve presente de forma moderada/alta nos municípios P (Nordeste) e C (Sul) e de forma moderada/baixa no Município H (Norte). O fator Filiação do Sentimento de Comunidade, relacionado à vinculação das pessoas com a comunidade e ao sentimento de fazer parte do grupo, apresentou as maiores médias nos três municípios e na amostra geral, seguido pelo fator Ligações Emocionais Compartilhadas. Na análise das dimensões presentes na pobreza multidimensional, as três dimensões Trabalho/Renda, Subjetiva e Saúde foram as que apresentaram correlação significativa e negativa com o sentimento de comunidade. Na amostra geral, os seus resultados apontam para uma correlação negativa entre sentimento de comunidade e pobreza multidimensional. Diante dessa constatação, ao analisar o sentimento de comunidade, é importante incorporar esses dimensões da pobreza multidimensional, a fim de compreender melhor o impacto da pobreza na vida das pessoas.

This study aims to analyze the relationship between community feeling and rural poverty in three municipalities, one in the Northeast, another in the North and the other in the South of Brazil. The quantitative research involved the participation of 1,113 subjects, who answered questionnaires composed of a Multidimensional Poverty instrument and the Community Sentiment Index. Statistical analyses were performed: T-Test, Anova, Pearson Correlation Test, and Descriptive Statistics. Community feeling was present moderately/high in the municipalities P (Northeast) and C (South) and moderately/low in Municipality H (North). The Affiliation Factor of Community Feeling, related to the association of people with the community and the feeling of being part of the group, presented the highest averages in the three municipalities and the general sample, followed by the Shared Emotional Bonds factor. In the analysis of dimensions present in multidimensional poverty, the three dimensions of Work / Income, Subjective, and Health were those that presented a significant and negative correlation with community feeling. In the general sample, their results point to a negative correlation between community feeling and multidimensional poverty. In light of this, when analyzing community feeling, it is important to incorporate these dimensions of multidimensional poverty to better understand the impact of poverty on people's lives.

Este trabajo objetiva analizar la relación entre el sentimiento de comunidad y la pobreza en la huerta en tres municipios: uno en Nordeste, uno en Norte y otro en el Sur de Brasil. La investigación, de tipo cualitativo, conto con la participación de 1.113 sujetos, que contestaron a cuestionarios compuestos por un instrumento de Pobreza Multidimensional y por el Índice de Sentimientos de Comunidad. Fueron realizados análisis estadísticos: Test T, Anova, Test de Correlación de Pearson y Estadísticas Descriptivas. El sentimiento de comunidad estuvo presente de forma moderada/alta en los municipios P (Nordeste) y C (Sur) y de forma moderada/baja en el municipio H (Norte). El factor Filiación del Sentimiento de Comunidad, relacionado a la vinculación de las personas con la comunidad y al sentimiento de hacer parte del grupo, presentó las mayores medias en los tres municipios y en la muestra general, seguido por el factor Conexiones Emocionales Compartidas. En el análisis de las dimensiones presentes en la pobreza multidimensional, las tres dimensiones Trabajo/Renta, Subjetiva y Salud fueron las que presentaron correlación significativa y negativa con el sentimiento de comunidad. En la muestra general, sus resultados indican una correlación negativa entre sentimiento de comunidad y pobreza multidimensional. Ante esta constatación, al analizar el sentimiento de comunidad, es importante incorporar estas dimensiones de la pobreza multidimensional, con el fin de comprender mejor el impacto de la pobreza en la vida de las personas.

Cette étude a pour objectif d'analyser la relation entre le sentiment d´appartenance au communauté et la pauvreté rurale dans trois municipalités brésiliennes, l'une au Nordeste, l'une au Norte et l'autre au Sul du Brésil. La recherche quantitative a eu la participation de 1 113 sujets, qui ont répondu aux questionnaires composés par un instrument de Pauvreté Multidimensionnelle et par l'indice de Sentiment d´appartenance à la Communauté. Des analyses statistiques ont été effectuées: Test T, Analyse de Variance (ANOVA), test de Corrélation de Pearson et des Statistiques Descriptives. Le sentiment d'appartenance à la communauté était présent modérément / haut dans les municipalités P (Nordeste) et C (Sul) et modérément / bas dans la municipalité H (Norte). L'indice de sentiment d'appartenance à la communauté lié à l'association de gens à la communauté et au sentiment de faire partie du groupe a présenté les moyennes les plus élevées dans les trois municipalités et dans l'échantillon général, suivies de l'indice Liens Émotionnels Partagés. Dans l'analyse des dimensions présentes dans la pauvreté Multidimensionnelle, les trois dimensions Travail/Revenu, subjective et santé on présenté un rapport significative et négative avec le sentiment de communauté. Dans l'échantillon général, les résultats indiquent une corrélation négative entre le sentiment d'appartenance à la communauté et la pauvreté multidimensionnelle. À la lumière de ces résultats, à l'analyse du sentiment de communauté on doit ajouter les dimensions de la pauvreté multidimensionnelle afin de mieux comprendre l'impact de la pauvreté sur la vie des gens.

Poverty , Rural Population , Rural Workers/psychology
Rev. bras. psicanál ; 53(1): 195-212, jan.-mar. 2019. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1288804


Este artigo apresenta um estudo sobre o texto "O estranho", de Freud, a partir dos deslocamentos do sentimento de si, o que pode ser o terceiro elemento necessário, previsto por Freud, para a constituição do estranho. Trata-se de uma primeira aproximação mais sistemática da ideia de que o estranho (seja na experiência narrativa literária, seja na realidade comum) é produzido pelas operações ambivalentes da linguagem e do corpo, resultando em uma tensão e perturbação dos limites e fronteiras do eu. Por fim, consideraremos as temáticas da cisão, da afirmação e recusa, fundamentais para entender a estrutura do eu e seu atravessamento simultâneo por distintas matrizes da intersubjetividade, ou seja, pela presença do outro em sua função constitutiva das subjetividades.

This article presents a study about "The Uncanny" (Freud, 1919). The author starts from the displacements of the Ego feeling which may be, according to Freud, the third element necessary for the constitution of the uncanny. It is the first time of a more systematic approach to the idea that the uncanny (whether in literary/narrative experience or in ordinary reality) is produced by the ambivalent operations of language and body, and the result is a tension and disturbance of the boundaries and borders of the Ego. Finally, we will consider themes such as splitting, affirmation, and disavowal. They all are essential for understanding the structure of the Self and its simultaneous crossing through different matrices of intersubjectivity, that is, through the presence of the other in its constitutive function of subjectivities.

En este artículo se presenta un estudio sobre el texto "Lo Siniestro" (Freud, 1919) a partir de los desplazamientos del sentimiento de sí, lo que puede ser el tercer elemento necesario, previsto por Freud, para la constitución del siniestro. Se trata de una primera aproximación más sistemática de la idea de que lo siniestro (ya sea en la experiencia narrativa literaria, o en la realidad común) es producido por las operaciones ambivalentes del lenguaje y del cuerpo, resultando en una tensión y perturbación de los límites y fronteras del Yo. Por último, consideraremos las temáticas de la escisión, de la afirmación y del rechazo, fundamentales para entender la estructura del Yo y su travesía simultánea por distintas matrices de la intersubjetividad, o sea, por la presencia del otro en su función constitutiva de las subjetividades.

Cet article présente une étude du texte "L'inquiétante étrangeté" (Freud, 1919) à partir des déplacements du sentiment de soi, ce qui peut être le troisième élément nécessaire, prévu par Freud, pour la constitution de l'inquiétante étrangeté. Il s'agit d'un premier abordage plus systématique de l'idée que l'inquiétante étrangeté (que ce soit dans l'expérience narrative littéraire ou dans la réalité ordinaire) est produite par les opérations ambivalentes du langage et du corps, entraînant une tension et une perturbation des limites et des frontières du Moi. Nous examinerons enfin les thèmes du clivage, de l'affirmation et du déni, fondamentaux pour comprendre la structure du Moi et comment il est traversé simultanément par de différentes matrices de l'intersubjectivité, c'est-à-dire, par la présence de l'autre dans sa fonction constitutive des subjectivités.

Rev. adm. pública (Online) ; 53(1): 235-251, Jan.-Feb. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-990506


Resumo A análise de sentimento é uma técnica de descoberta de conhecimento por meio da mineração de dados, sua finalidade é revelar a opinião das pessoas sobre temas específicos. Essa é uma técnica apropriada para aplicação em fontes de dados não estruturados, como as mídias sociais, que abarcam informações sobre diversos temas, inclusive política e administração pública. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar se a análise de sentimento pode refletir a opinião pública e, assim, trazer contribuições para as práticas da gestão social. Para tanto, a técnica foi aplicada para revelar as opiniões dos cidadãos expressas no Twitter sobre alguns dos principais programas sociais em vigor no Brasil durante o governo Dilma Rousseff. O estudo consistiu no confronto entre os resultados da análise de sentimento e os conceitos e aplicações envolvendo quatro estratégias de utilização de mídias sociais pelos governos sob a ótica da gestão social. Os resultados da pesquisa revelaram que a técnica da análise de sentimento pode contribuir para as práticas da gestão social no contexto da estratégia de rede.

Resumen El análisis de sentimiento es una técnica de descubrimiento de conocimiento a partir de la minería de datos que tiene la finalidad de revelar la opinión de las personas sobre temas específicos. Esta es una técnica apropiada para aplicación en fuentes de datos no estructurados, como los medios sociales, que abarcan información sobre diversos temas, inclusive política y administración pública. En este ámbito, el objetivo de este estudio fue identificar si el análisis de sentimiento puede reflejar la opinión pública y, así, traer contribuciones a las prácticas de la gestión social. Para ello, la técnica se aplicó para revelar la opinión de los ciudadanos expresada en Twitter sobre algunos de los principales programas sociales vigentes en Brasil durante el gobierno de Dilma Rousseff. El estudio consistió en la confrontación de los resultados del análisis de sentimiento con los conceptos y aplicaciones que involucran cuatro estrategias de utilización de medios sociales por parte de los gobiernos bajo la óptica de la gestión social. Los resultados de la investigación revelaron que la técnica de análisis de sentimiento puede contribuir a las prácticas de la gestión social en el contexto de la estrategia de red.

Abstract Sentiment analysis is a knowledge discovery technique developed from data mining; its purpose is to reveal people's opinions on specific topics. This is an appropriate technique to apply to unstructured data sources, such as social media, that cover information on a variety of topics (such as politics and public administration). In this context, the objective of this study was to identify whether sentiment analysis can reflect public opinion and, thus, contribute to practices of social management. Therefore, the sentiment analysis technique was applied to reveal citizens' opinions, which were expressed on Twitter and concerned some of the main social programs in force during Brazil's Rousseff government. The study consisted of a comparison between the results of the sentiment analysis and the concepts and applications involving four strategies of social media used by governments from the point of view of social management. The results revealed that the sentiment analysis technique could contribute to social management practices in the context of the network strategy.

Personnel Management , Public Administration , Data Mining , Social Media , Sentiment Analysis
Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam ; 22(1): 20-37, enero-marzo 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1014215


Este artículo propone una reflexión sobre la transmisión de sentimientos entre generaciones como consecuencia de la violencia política. Asentados en el marco de la teoría psicoanalítica, se busca entender la herencia de sentimientos como manifestación de la memoria colectiva en Chile posdictadura.

Este artigo propõe uma reflexão sobre a transmissão de sentimentos entre gerações como consequência da violência política. Assentado no marco da teoria psicanalítica, o artigo procura entender a herança de sentimentos como manifestação da memória coletiva no Chile pós-ditadura.

This paper proposes a reflection on the transmission of feelings from one generation to another as a consequence of political violence. Based on the approaches of the psychoanalytic theory, this paper aims to understand the legacy of feelings as a manifestation of the collective memory in post-dictatorship Chile.

Cet article propose une réflexion sur la transmission de sentiments à travers les générations comme conséquence de la violence politique. À l'aide de la théorie psychanalytique, on cherche à comprendre l'héritage de sentiments comme manifestation de la mémoire collective au Chili post-dictature.

Der vorliegende Artikel soll dazu dienen, Denkanstöße über die Folgen der politischen Gewalt und die daraus resultierende, generationsübergreifende Gefühlsübertragung zu liefern. Aus der Sicht der psychoanalytischen Theorie soll versucht werden, die Gefühlserbschaft zu verstehen, und zwar als Ausdrucksform eines Kollektiv-gedächtnisses im heutigen Chile.

Horiz. sanitario (en linea) ; 17(3): 189-196, sep.-dic. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1002102


Abstract Objective: To analyze the purchasing behaviors in university students of the Mexican Republic and determine if there are differences between sexes that show the behavior provided is considered compulsive, following the model of Valence, d'Astous and Fortier. Materials and methods: We carried out a quantitative, descriptive, correlational and explanatory study, because it confirms the structure of the Valence d'Astous and Fortier compulsive buying scale, in the following factors: tendency to spend, reactive aspect and post-purchase guilt. The study involved 1,687 students of the millennials generation of 27 states of the Mexican Republic, composed of a 60 per cent of women and 40% men; the data collection was made via online with the software SurveyMonkey using a questionnaire of 16 items, in Likert scale. The statistical treatment used was the Pearson's Chi-square test, by the SPSS version 24. Results: The findings show that the purchasing behavior of the sample under study cannot be considered as compulsive disorder under the model of Valence, d'Astous And Fortier, although women in relation to men, had a tendency toward compulsive buying, this got on the results shown in the construct "tendency to spend". Conclusions: The results obtained by this research must be of great importance for companies; it is important to note that the subject of the compulsive buying should be a concern and the subject of further research for universities, authorities and practitioners of marketing. Today, thanks to studies on the subject, responsibles for developing the marketing strategies are becoming more aware of how they affect the decisions of consumers, we must not lose sight of the fact that the members of the millennial generation are the future of the country and the world, and they should have the opportunity to make more responsible consumption, of benefit to the current world and future generations.

Resumen Objetivo: Analizar los comportamientos de compra de los estudiantes universitarios de la República Mexicana y determinar si existen diferencias por sexo que muestren que el comportamiento presentado se considera compulsivo, siguiendo el modelo de Valence, dAstous y Fortier. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de tipo cuantitativo, descriptivo, correlacional y explicativa, porque confirma la estructura de la escala de las compras compulsivas de Valence, d'Astous y Fortier en los factores: tendencia a gastar, urgencia de comprar y sentimientos de culpabilidad. El estudio involucró a 1.687 estudiantes de la generación millenials de 27 estados de la República Mexicana, compuesta por un 60% de mujeres y 40% varones; el levantamiento de la información fue online con el software survey monkey mediante cuestionario de 16 ítems, en escala de Likert. El tratamiento estadístico utilizado fue la Prueba Chi cuadrada Pearson, usando el paquete SPSS versión 24. Resultados: Los hallazgos muestran que el comportamiento de compra de la muestra bajo estudio no puede ser considerado como compulsivo bajo el modelo de Valence, d'Astous y Fortier, aunque las mujeres, en relación con los hombres, presentan tendencia hacia la compra compulsiva por los resultados mostrados en el constructo "tendencia a gastar". Conclusiones: Los resultados obtenidos por la investigación deben ser de gran importancia para las empresas; es importante destacar que el tema de la compra compulsiva no debe dejar de ser una preocupación y tema de investigación permanente para universidades, autoridades y practicantes de la mercadotecnia. Hoy en día, gracias a los estudios realizados sobre el tema, los encargados de elaborar las estrategias mercadológicas están tomando más conciencia de la forma como afectan en las decisiones de los consumidores, no hay que perder de vista que los integrantes de la generación millennial son el futuro del país y del mundo, y ellos deben tener la oportunidad de realizar consumos más responsables, de beneficio para el mundo actual y las generaciones futuras.

Resumo Objetivo: Analisar os comportamentos de compras dos estudantes universitários da República Mexicana e determinar se há diferenças por sexo que mostram que o comportamento seja considerado compulsivo, seguindo o modelo de Valence, d'Astous e Fortier. Materiais e métodos: Realizou-se um estudo quantitativo, descritivo, correlacional e explicativo, confirmando a estrutura da escala de compras compulsivas de Valence, d'Astous e Fortier nos fatores: tendencia para gastar, o desejo de comprar e os sentimentos de culpa. O estudo envolveu 1.687 estudantes da "geração do milénio" dos 27 estados da República Mexicana, composto por 60% de mulheres e 40% de homens; o levantamento das informa9oes foi efetuado via on-line através do software survey monkey, com aplica9áo de um questionário com 16 itens, sob forma de escala Likert. O tratamento estatístico baseou-se na analise do Qui-quadrado, utilizando-se o programa SPSS versão 24. Resultados: Os dados mostram que o comportamento da amostra em estudo não pode ser considerada como tendo comortamentos compulsivos de compra com base no modelo de Valence, d'Astous e Fortier. Porém, as mulheres comparadas com os homens tem uma tendência para as compras compulsivas porque os resultados demonstram uma "tendência para o gasto". Conclusões: Os resultados obtidos são de importancia capital para as empresas; é importante destacar que o tema das compras compulsivas deve continuar a ser uma preocupação e objecto de estudo para as universidades, as autoridades e os profissionais de marketing. Hoje, graçãs aos estudos realizados sobre o tema, os decisores de politicas de marketing estão mais conscientes de como afetam as decisoes dos consumidores, e náo se pode de ter em atenção o fato de que os membros da "Geração do milénio" são o futuro do país e do mundo, devendo ter a oportunidade de realizar um consumo mais responsável, com benefícios para o mundo atual e futuras gerações.

Résumé Objectif: Analyser les comportements d'achat des étudiants universitaires mexicains selon le sexe et déterminer s'il existe un comportement considéré compulsif, d'après le modele de Valence, d'Astous et Fortier. Matériaux et méthode: L'étude réalisée est quantitative, descriptive, corrélationnelle et explicative, car elle confirme la structure de l'Échelle de mesure de l'achat compulsif de Valence, d'Astous et Fortier pour les facteurs suivants: tendance à dépenser, envie d'acheter et sentiment de culpabilité. L'échantillon a inclus 1.687 étudiants de la génération millénaire, de 27 États du Mexique, 60% de sexe féminin et 40% de sexe masculin. L'information a été recueillie en ligne avec le logiciel Survey Monkey grâce à un questionnaire de 16 items, de type échelle de Likert. Le traitement statistique a été réalisé au moyen du test du Chi-carré, avec le logiciel SPSS versión 24. Resultados: Les résultats montrent que le comportement d'achat de l'échantillon étudié ne peut être considéré compulsif d'après le modèle de Valence, d'Astous et Fortier; cependant, selon la section "tendance a dépenser", les femmes ont tendance à acheter plus compulsivement que les hommes. Conclusions: Les résultats obtenus dans cette recherche sont d'une grande importance pour les entreprises; il est important de souligner que la question de l'achat compulsif ne devrait pas cesser d'être une préoccupation et un thème de recherche permanent pour les universités, les autorités et les praticiens du marketing Aujourd'hui, grâce aux études sur ce sujet, les responsables du développement de stratégies de marketing sont de plus en plus conscients de leur impact sur les décisions des consommateurs. Nous ne devons pas perdre de vue que les membres de la génération millénaire sont l'avenir du pays et du monde; ils doivent avoir l'opportunité de consommer de façon plus responsable, pour bénéficier au monde actuel et aux générations futures.

Salud UNINORTE ; 34(1): 194-202, ene.-abr. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1004566


Resumen Se exponen los dos principales enfoques metodológicos para la investigación con big data en comunicación en salud: el análisis de redes y el análisis de sentimientos. Primeramente, se explica el cambio de paradigma que está sufriendo el campo de la comunicación en salud gracias a los métodos computacionales para el análisis de datos masivos y se dan ejemplos de su uso en estudios y experiencias previas. Seguidamente, se exponen los conceptos (nodo/arista) y las principales variables de centralidad que se estudian en el análisis de red en procesos de difusión de innovaciones en salud; y, finalmente, se explica cómo ejecutar el procedimiento de análisis de sentimientos supervisado para estudiar contenidos de salud a gran escala.

Abstract The two main methodological approaches for research with big data in health communication are presented: network analysis and the analysis of feelings. Firstly, the paradigm change that the communication field in health is experiencing, thanks to the computational methods for the analysis of massive data, and examples of its use in previous studies and experiences are explained. Next, the concepts (node / edge) and the main centrality variables that are studied in the network analysis in health innovation dissemination processes are exposed; and, finally, it is explained how to execute the supervised feelings analysis procedure to study large-scale health content

Psychiatry Investigation ; : 344-354, 2018.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-713799


OBJECTIVE: Suicide is a significant public health concern worldwide. Social media data have a potential role in identifying high suicide risk individuals and also in predicting suicide rate at the population level. In this study, we report an advanced daily suicide prediction model using social media data combined with economic/meteorological variables along with observed suicide data lagged by 1 week. METHODS: The social media data were drawn from weblog posts. We examined a total of 10,035 social media keywords for suicide prediction. We made predictions of national suicide numbers 7 days in advance daily for 2 years, based on a daily moving 5-year prediction modeling period. RESULTS: Our model predicted the likely range of daily national suicide numbers with 82.9% accuracy. Among the social media variables, words denoting economic issues and mood status showed high predictive strength. Observed number of suicides one week previously, recent celebrity suicide, and day of week followed by stock index, consumer price index, and sunlight duration 7 days before the target date were notable predictors along with the social media variables. CONCLUSION: These results strengthen the case for social media data to supplement classical social/economic/climatic data in forecasting national suicide events.

Forecasting , Public Health , Social Media , Suicide , Sunlight
Chinese Journal of Medical Library and Information Science ; (12): 28-33,40, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-607882


The medical and health reform at grass-root level was monitored during the NPC and CPPCC from 2015-2017 . The public sentiment on medical and health reform at grass-root level in recent years was thus as-sessed according to the text mining and data analysis using the R language and Python method from the aspects ofnow rural cooperative medical care,comprehensive health reform at grass-root level,health service develop-ment at grass-root level and Internet + medical care in order to provide reference for the effective feedback of achievements and development in policies of medical and health reform at grass-root level.